
What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger…True or Bogus?

by DeDe Jones

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Is that true or completely bogus? I get it. If whatever you are going through makes you stronger in the long run, than it was worth it. But what about those other times that don’t make any sense to you? Those times when the situation seems to take pieces of you with it? Then what?

In ministry I see a lot of hurt and pain. I’ve seen loss and desperation at such levels it takes your breath away. I sometimes wonder how some situations could possibly make someone stronger. Mostly I wonder if they will survive it or if they will ever be the same.

Have I seen people come back stronger? Absolutely! BUT it wasn’t their circumstances that made them stronger. It was the mighty power and grace of God!

It is pretty simple really. God’s grace is sufficient. Our circumstances don’t define us. Real Hope brings grace in to swoop down and turn major trials into life changing blessings. We have to be open to letting the grace of God define us and not our situations. We can’t help how we feel, but we can help how we respond. Life happens, and sometimes it sucks big time … BUT GOD! People may say things to tear you down, BUT GOD will lift you up. Relationships may break apart, BUT GOD will always love you. Financial, health and natural disasters will happen, BUT GOD will always be present.

It can be difficult to brush off personal feelings and not to let your struggles take pieces of you over and over. But when we stop to see what life takes away, we will also see that God gives back even more and never ever, ever leaves or forsakes us.

So if doesn’t kill you, does it make you stronger? I choose to believe it does! Not because of my situation, but because of my God. Our God is bigger than it all!!!

“He said to me, “My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.” So I’ll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power can rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Song of Inspiration
“Victor’s Crown” – Darlene Zschech

photo credit: workout via photopin (license)

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